Hi there!

My name is Victor, and I'm an 19-year-old Freshman who has a deep passion for investing. I love scouring the market for new investment ideas and analyzing potential opportunities.

I got interested in investing when I was 15 and started by reading One Up on Wall Street by Peter Lynch. Since then, I've been hooked on the idea of finding undervalued companies. Over the years, I've learned much about investing through reading the likes of Benjamin Graham, ideas from valueinvestorclub, and engaging with other investors online.

In this blog, I hope to share my investment journey with you. I have a lot to learn, but I believe that investing is a lifelong journey of learning and discovery. I'm excited to continue growing my knowledge and expertise in the field and share my insights with others, including my successes and failures.

As David Abrams puts it nicely, “Although we may have initially been motivated by money, that is no longer the case. We do what we do because we enjoy it. We relish the challenge, the stimulation, and the satisfaction that comes with finding the next bargain in the market.” Security Analysis (p.631).

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